The heart of ID New Zealand’s business is to provide high-quality experiences to our country’s visitors. We do so by having well-designed tours and itineraries, using only the best suppliers, transport providers, venues and personnel founded on compliance with New Zealand employment, health & safety laws, local and government regulations and the highest ethical standards.

Given the global nature of our business, we aim to conduct ourselves in a way that supports a long-term sustainability policy in order to minimise negative effects and maximise positive impacts on the natural & social environment.

Our mission is to drive sustainability through our New Zealand tourism experiences by ensuring that sustainability is one of our procurement processes.

We are a leading cruise ground handler and inbound destination management company. Our success is reliant on collaboration with our suppliers and innovation in developing product. ID New Zealand engages with numerous stakeholders within the tourism industry; ranging from consumers, activity/attraction/accommodation and transport providers, guides and restaurants. We bring together New Zealand travel and tourism supplier companies that are committed to constant improvement in their operational practices to ensure long term sustainability.

We support sustainable activities by customer education, engagement across our supply chain, and by our own internal actions. Our ultimate aspirational long-term goal is carbon neutrality. We appreciate that this is a long-term goal, but one we strive to achieve with firm commitments alongside our industry partners. Since 2019 we have implemented policy and measures to maintain progress across all operations.

Our common direction:

  • Have a common and unified position, understanding and commitment on supply chain sustainability towards suppliers, other partners, and stakeholders.
  • Develop and implement initiatives that drive improvement.
  • Encourage, promote and work together with our suppliers and clients to drive sustainability.
  • Strive towards the goal of carbon neutrality.
  • Co-operate and collaborate with tourism industry initiatives through our commitment to New Zealand Tourism’s sustainability initiative and the Tourism New Zealand Tiaki Promise.


Qualmark is New Zealand tourism’s official quality assurance organisation. Qualmark is trusted and backed by leading New Zealand industry associations. It is an endorsement of a company that delivers a quality, sustainable experience and those that have undergone an in depth health & safety check. Qualmark provides evidence and recognition that our business has been independently validated as a quality New Zealand tourism business.